
The Justice 4 Yemen Pact is committed to empowering our members to maximize the impact and reach of their advocacy, education, and research efforts. Here are some of the recent highlights from the work of Coalition members.

Cells of Slow Death Film

Cells of Slow Death Film

Details of horror, intimidation, and torment, various forms of abuse and humiliation, nothing escaped the memory of the four journalists as they recount eight bitter years in the Houthi prisons. ‘Cells of Slow Death,’ a documentary capturing their ordeal, and the story continues…

COALITION STORIES: Your Silence Hurts Me

COALITION STORIES: Your Silence Hurts Me

OVERVIEW From November 2023 to January 2024, J4YP coalition member Al Amal Women’s Foundation conducted a multimedia advocacy campaign entitled Your Silence Hurts Me as part of their ongoing Women Peacemakers project. The Women Peacemakers project works through a network of female human rights defenders (HRDs) in Hadramout to monitor, document, and investigate human rights […]

Free Media Organization for Investigative Journalism Tells the Story of Fallen Journalists

Free Media Organization for Investigative Journalism Tells the Story of Fallen Journalists

Free Media Organization for Investigative Journalism seeks to enhance the methodology of investigative work to create a new future for Yemeni journalists. Free Media’s mission is to contribute to a free and enabling environment for journalists, activists, media professionals, and anyone in Yemen with something to say. Freedom of Expression and Opinion is a basic […]

Voice of Hope

Voice of Hope

As part of our World Children’s Day’s advocacy campaign, YCMHRV has developed a short film, “Voice of Hope” explores the challenges and violations experienced by children in Yemen, focusing on attacks on education. The video sheds light on the struggles of children and teachers to uphold education amidst years of war and destruction, emphasizing the […]

The To Not Forget Campaign

The To Not Forget Campaign

Coalition member Free Media Center for Investigative Journalism conducted a campaign titled To Not Forget advocating for the release of journalists who have been murdered, harassed, and unjustly detained across three Yemen governorates from 2015 to 2022.

#No_Justice Campaign

#No_Justice Campaign

SAM for Rights and Liberties took to social media to shed light on the state of Yemen’s judiciary, draw attention to unfair summary trials, and advocate against arbitrary detention and harsh detention conditions. The campaign highlighted specific cases of unfair trials and illegal detention, including of journalists and human rights advocates, and allows the victims’ […]

Human Rights Workshop

Human Rights Workshop

Coalition member Al-Amal held a workshop in the city of Seiyun for field monitors conducting monitoring and documentation of human rights violations. Over the course of a week, participants received instruction on tools for monitoring human rights violations, educating victims and community members on their rights, and conducting human rights advocacy.

A Call to Action

A Call to Action

Two Coalition Members, The Center for Strategic Studies to Support Women and Children and Al Amal Women’s and Sociocultural Foundation issued a statement decrying the restrictions on women’s freedoms imposed by the Houthi Group and calling for increased international engagement to protect the rights of women and girls. Through local movement building efforts, the two […]

Political Executions in Yemen statement : Call for Legal Reforms
A Justice4Yemen pact coalition of human rights organizations has issued a joint statement urging the Yemeni government to abolish laws...
July 19, 2024
A Joint Statement by 41 International and Local Organizations on the International Day Against Torture
June 26, 2024 On this International Day Against Torture, this statement condemns all forms of torture and inhumane treatment in...
June 26, 2024
International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict: Justice4Yemen coalition’s joint statement
On June 19, the Justice4Yemen Pact highlights the urgent issue of increasing systematic sexual violence against women in Yemen. The...
June 11, 2024
Enhancing Accessibility and Promoting Peace: Justice4Yemen Coalition's Joint Statement
The Justice4Yemen Coalition, a collective of dedicated organizations committed to humanitarian causes, celebrates recent positive developments regarding the reopening of...
June 11, 2024
Cells of Slow Death Film
Details of horror, intimidation, and torment, various forms of abuse and humiliation, nothing escaped the memory of the four journalists...
June 11, 2024
Denial of Children of humanitarian aid threatens their lives and future in Yemen.
Denial of humanitarian aid is a grave violation of children’s rights, as it prompts them to engage in the Labour...
June 11, 2024
We Want to See Our Children in School
Mothers of child soldiers in Yemen.. We want to see our children in schools. ! (Realistic stories of children soldiering...
June 11, 2024
The Sentence Against Journalist "Ahmed Maher"
The Specialized Criminal Court in Aden, the temporary capital of the internationally recognized government, issued a sentence on Tuesday, May...
May 30, 2024
Urgent Appeal to Uphold Justice for Journalist Ahmed Maher Ahead of Upcoming Trial
As the trial date approaches for the sentencing of journalist Ahmed Maher, who has been arbitrarily detained by the authorities...
May 24, 2024
Statement for World Press Freedom Day
On this World Press Freedom Day, 40 regional and local organizations concerned with freedom of opinion, expression and human rights...
May 2, 2024