A Joint Statement by 41 International and Local Organizations on the International Day Against Torture

June 26, 2024

On this International Day Against Torture, this statement condemns all forms of torture and inhumane treatment in Yemen. Civilians continue to suffer at the hands of all warring parties due to a culture of impunity, with targeted groups including politicians, journalists, feminists, influencers, and human rights activists. Despite prisoner exchanges in 2023, many detainees remain subject to torture. From 2016 to 2022, the Association of Mothers of Abductees documented 2,643 cases of torture by various groups. The plight of abductees, arbitrarily detained, and forcibly disappeared individuals remains dire.

The statement expresses deep concern over the arbitrary arrest and inhumane treatment of UN and NGO staff by Houthi authorities.

The statement highlights the persecution of Yemen’s Baha’i community, the repression of civil society by Houthi authorities, and the abuse of vulnerable groups, including internally displaced persons, the muhamasheen, and refugees. Migrants face exploitation and abuse, with reports of killings by Saudi border guards. Women in Yemen face systematic discrimination and abuse, particularly in Houthi prisons. The ongoing use of torture and grave violations against detained civilians by all warring parties is condemned. All parties are held responsible for the lives and safety of detainees.

The statement calls on the United Nations and the Security Council to hold perpetrators accountable, end impunity, and ensure justice is integral to peace negotiations. It advocates for an independent mechanism to investigate human rights violations.

Read the full statement below:

An Arabic copy is available at: