Tormented Childhood by War and Displacement [Blog from Musaala]

Author: Khalil Al-Maliki, Yemeni Journalist

As the conflict in Yemen moves into its ninth year, all aspects of the situation are becoming more complicated. The picture of a worn-out childhood plagued by conflict, frequent displacement, and the lack of a suitable climate for education, health, and housing illustrates the outcomes and impacts of this war.

“The living conditions of the children of Yemen would bring shame to humanity. There is no excuse for such a bleak situation in the 21st century. Wars, economic crises, and decades of backward development do not spare any girl or boy in Yemen. This suffering of children is all man-made.” With these words, Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, concluded one of his visits to Yemen and wrapped up the tragedy of children and childhood in Yemen.

On the side of the road in one of the streets of Marib city, a 12-year-old child, Aiban Al-Jaradi, works to sell prickly pears, which is a hard job for a young child like Aiban.

The text above is only an excerpt. For more detailed insights, continue reading the full blog in English and Arabic at the links provided below.

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