Desert of Death: Assessing the Impact of Road Closures on Yemen’s Main Road (Marib-Sana’a as a module)

In a comprehensive study examining the repercussions of the closure of the main road linking Marib to Sana’a in Yemen, a report produced by the coalition member, Musaala Organization, sheds light on the profound humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region. The findings underscore the grave consequences of road blockades, revealing a stark reality of compromised access to essential services and exacerbation of suffering among Marib’s population. The closure of vital routes has severely impeded the delivery of humanitarian aid, thwarted access to medical facilities during emergencies, and disrupted the daily lives of residents. Moreover, the repercussions extend to exacerbating food insecurity, limiting access to clean water, and depriving children of educational opportunities. For a deeper understanding of the crisis and the urgent need for action, we encourage you to read the full report. By delving into the comprehensive insights and detailed analysis provided, you’ll grasp the true extent of the challenges facing Marib and join us in advocating for change.

An Arabic copy can be found at:

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