The Center for Strategic Studies to Support Women and Children (CSWC) issued a request for submissions regarding perpetrators of violence against women in March 2023. The request was supported by multiple Yemen civil society organizations and human rights advocates and included specific requests to both Yemeni and International actors to take action to protect women’s rights and hold perpetrators accountable. Read the full statement to find out more.

Statement of a request to submit violators of women’s rights to justice issued today, Thursday, March 30, 2023AD. A statement issued by a number of civil society organizations and human rights activists calling on the judicial and executive authorities to submit violators of women’s issues resulting from the conflict in Yemen for justice and compensation for victims fair compensation and reparation. It came in the following statement
In the Name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Because of the war in Yemen, which broke out in 2015, many women have lost many of their human rights, and some of them were even subjected to violence, which exacerbated the humanitarian situation of these women in conflict areas and made them vulnerable to arrest, detention, rape, torture, ill-treatment, murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, violation of the right to freedom of association and unions in addition to the threats, theft of property, and Cyber extortion, which caused a large number of them to find security in other areas away from the control of the violating parties. The UN reports and the Women’s National Committee indicated that the number of Female prisoners in Yemen reached about 781 prisoners, 596 women who were victims of armed conflicts, 264 women who became mine victims, about 2 million women deprived of education, and nearly 500,000 girls deprived of education, although the law guarantees the right to education and considers it compulsory in the elementary education according to the Article of the Yemeni Constitution (54); the right to education for all citizens and the elementary education is compulsory. ….
Most Yemeni women also have suffered from deprivation of their right to freedom of movement guaranteed by the Yemeni constitution in Article (57), freedom of movement for all citizens, including women. Article (58) of the Yemeni constitution has indicated that citizens have the right to organize themselves politically, and professionally, trade unions, and the right to freedom of association.
It’s also worth mentioning that in Article (FG / 48) of the Constitution clarified the period of detention for suspects (Any prisoners arrested on suspicion of committing a crime must be brought to justice within 24 hours from the date of arrest. and the Public Prosecution must issue an order with reasons for his/ her arrest…) In addition, the law has specified the period of Execution of a Search Warrant and who has been searched, as Article (143) of the Yemeni Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that a female has been only searched by a female. In addition, that search can be only by two female witnesses.
Therefore, human rights activists and civil society organizations, signed below, demand the parties of the conflict, the countries sponsoring peace in Yemen, and the international community to provide all necessary mechanisms to protect women and girls from violations, and provide them with an appropriate environment to preserve their dignity and not violate their rights assigned to them by the constitution, applicable laws, international humanitarian law, and human rights law, as follows:
Dears, the parties to the conflict in Yemen:
Adhere to international human rights law and international humanitarian law and protect civilians. Work with the constitution and the laws in force to protect women from gender-based violence, respect freedom of movement, and not infringe on them.
Dears, the parties to the conflict in Yemen:
The need to develop regulations that guarantee the right of women to compensation and to expedite the payment of these compensations for damages and property or compensation for injury and hurt and the salaries of widows and martyrs and the violation of their rights stipulated by the law and what guarantees their obtaining these rights without the mediation of men, and that full facilities must be provided for women to find a safe place For them and their children, and the abolition of all fees on civil and administrative transactions that allow women to obtain their documents, whether inside the state or from its embassies abroad, including widows and divorced women, without complication.
Local and National Civil Society Organizations:
A national network must be established to protect women and girls in times of conflict and war. Specialized, equipped, and responsive shelters must be provided for the needs of women, girls, and women with disabilities, by what was stated in Security Council Resolution 1325 and international laws and agreements regarding the protection of women and girls in conflict areas, as it must be Governance should be applied and there should be oversight of the performance of the local authority by civil society organizations about issues of violations against women and the application of the law. Therefore, women and girls must be involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs for women and their families to ensure that these programs meet their actual needs and support them in facing difficulties, as well as They should work on documenting all the violations that women are exposed to during the conflict from the perspective of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
International Organizations and International Sponsors in Yemen:
Pressure on the parties to the conflict to stop the assault on women and to hold the violators of their rights accountable. Judicial mechanisms must be activated regarding conflict-related violations and other transitional justice mechanisms to ensure regular compensation for women whose rights are violated. The violations to which women are exposed in Yemen, which go beyond and violate human rights and humanitarian law, must be published in In the context of conflicts, it is also necessary to ensure that protection tools are provided to women victims, as well as to protect witnesses to these violations, and to oblige the parties to the conflict to activate UN Security Council Resolution 1325 to protect the rights of women and girls.
المحافظة | الصفة | الاسم | الرقم |
حضرموت | مؤسسة الامل النسوية للتنمية | 1 | |
حضرموت | مؤسسة سلام وبناء | 2 | |
حضرموت | مؤسسة رؤى الشبابية التنموية | 3 | |
حضرموت | مؤسسة إنقاذ للتنمية | 4 | |
حضرموت | محمد صالح الكثيري | 5 | |
حضرموت | مدير دائرة المرأة بمديرية الشحر | المحامية وحيدة سعيد مثقال | 6 |
حضرموت | وكيل نيابة الشحر الابتدائية | فؤاد جابر لرضي | 7 |
حضرموت | قاضي محكمة الشحر | عارف مصبح البحسني | 8 |
حضرموت | قاضي محكمة الشحر | عبدالباسط علي العزاني | 9 |
حضرموت | المحامي | حسين عبدالرحمن غداف | 10 |
حضرموت | المحامي | ابوبكر خالد عبولان | 11 |
حضرموت | المحامي | ابوبكر سالم باشميلة | 12 |
حضرموت | المحامي | عوض محمد بخضر | 13 |
حضرموت | المحامي | عبدالله صالح الغرابي | 14 |
حضرموت | قاضي محكمة غرب المكلا | هاني صالح بن زايد | 15 |
حضرموت | جمعية غراس الخير النسوية | شهباء أحمد فرج بلجعد | 16 |
حضرموت | ناشطة حقوقية | سميرة باغلاب | 17 |
حضرموت | رئيس التدريب والتأهيل في المجلس الطلابي كلية القانون | عبدالله صلاح العمودي | 18 |
حضرموت | ناشط حقوقي | سالم سالمين باراشد | 19 |
حضرموت | ناشط حقوقي مؤسسة عدالة | أحمد عبدالله الديني | 20 |
حضرموت | ناشطة اجتماعية | منى حسن النهدي | 21 |
حضرموت | ناشط حقوقي | محمد سالم العكبري | 22 |
حضرموت | اتحاد نساء اليمن | سينا سالم بشراوي | 23 |
حضرموت | مؤسسة الشباب الديمقراطي | أحمد يسلم باظروس | 24 |
حضرموت | ملتقى شباب اليمن | سعيد عبدالحكيم بن زامل | 25 |
حضرموت | ناشط حقوقي | محمد محسن الشاذلي | 26 |
تعز | محامية | أمل محمد الصبري | 27 |
حضرموت | اخصائية اجتماعية | مروى محمد لرضي | 28 |
حضرموت | محامية | مرام النهدي | 29 |
حضرموت | رئيس دائرة الحقوق والحريات لتنسيقيات جامعة حضرموت بالمجلس الانتقالي | صابر أحمد باقطيان | 30 |
حضرموت | ناشطة حقوقية | الاء ابراهيم بن عبري | 31 |
حضرموت | ناشطة حقوقية | وفاء محمد لرضي | 32 |
حضرموت | ناشطة حقوقية | حنين سالم بن عفيف | 33 |
حضرموت | محامية | صفاء عوض باكونة | 34 |
حضرموت | قانونية | اشجان باحكيم | 35 |
حضرموت | مؤسسة الشهيد بن حبريش | عبير بن غوذل | 36 |
حضرموت | اتحاد نساء اليمن سيئون | فاطمة أحمد النوبي | 37 |
حضرموت | الامين العام لطلبة جامعة حضرموت | البراء سالم فغمة | 38 |
حضرموت | ناشطة حقوقية | مها صالح اليزيدي | 39 |
حضرموت | محامي | سعيد صالح سعيد برعية | 40 |