From Statement to Action: The Justice4Yemen Pact Coalition’s Role in Advancing Human Rights Through Yemen’s UPR Process

The statement issued by ISHR, the Justice4Yemen Pact Coalition, and DT Institute addresses the alarming trend of intensified crackdowns on civil society in Yemen, where activists face arbitrary detention and enforced disappearances. A significant concern is the lack of accountability for human rights violations, especially those perpetrated by coalition members. The statement also raises awareness about the disturbing number of documented cases of violence against children, which encompass killings, maiming, forced recruitment, and denial of humanitarian access.

Despite these challenges, the Justice4Yemen Pact Coalition has made noteworthy contributions to Yemenā€™s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process, particularly through its engagement in the UPR Joint Stakeholders Report. During the 57th session of the Human Rights Council, Yemen accepted 201 out of 256 recommendations, many of which align with the Coalitionā€™s objectives. Among these, Yemenā€™s acceptance of recommendations to ratify key international human rights treatiesā€”including the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT) and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearanceā€”marks a positive step towards enhancing transitional justice, peace, and security efforts.

The statement underscores the critical need for accountability and reparations for victims as fundamental components of a successful transition to justice. It urges Yemen to reconsider vital recommendations pertaining to the investigation of war crimes, the fight against impunity, and the protection of the rights of women and children. Additionally, it calls upon the international community to take decisive action to address these grave human rights concerns in Yemen, emphasizing the urgent need for solidarity and support for vulnerable populations.

Watch the Full statement here

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